Southeast Vancouver Seniors' Arts and Cultural Society


SVSACS Members Meetings

Southeast Vancouver Seniors' Arts & Cultural Society (SVSACS) is a group of dedicated individuals working to have a seniors centre built in southeast Vancouver. The centre would house various arts and cultural activities for seniors, serving as a meeting and gathering place for older adults of all ethnic backgrounds. There is currently no seniors centre in all of Southeast Van!

The Southeast Vancouver Seniors' Arts & Cultural Society meets at the Champlain Heights Community Centre (or Killarney Community Centre) once a month.

2016 Members Meetings Schedule:

  • Annual General Meeting
    Thursday, June 16, 7:00 p.m.,
    Killarney Community Centre, Room 203, 6260 Killarney Street
    (Election of Officers and Directors and such other business conducted at an AGM. Tea and Coffee. All are welcome.)

SVSACS Members Meetings Minutes

Follow this link for SVSACS Members Meetings Minutes

Last modified: May 9, 2016
Created: May 11, 2009
© 2009. SVSACS.ORG