Southeast Vancouver Seniors' Arts and Cultural Society

May 2010
Apr. 2010
Mar. 2010
Jan. 2010
2009 Minutes

30th SVSACS Members Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Call to Order

The 30th regular monthly meeting of the Southeast Vancouver Seniors Arts & Cultural Society (SVSACS) was called to order at 10:40 a.m. on Thursday, March 4, 2010, at Champlain Heights Community Centre.


The following members were present:

Lorna Gibbs (Chair), Harjinder Hothi (Sunset), Avtar  Bains (Sunset), Tom Chin (SVNH), George Grant (CityPlan Chair), Manfred Hagen (CHCA), Mabel Leung (SVNH Programs), Philip Mah (VFK Committee), Bert Massiah (SVNH/ANH), Jazmin Miranda (VCH), Brian Swartz (Champlain Heights Recreation Programmer), Joan Wright (SVNH Seniors Community Development Coordinator)
Regrets: Dan Chapelski, Keith Jacobson (on vacation), Des Burke (Paralympics, Whistler)

Approval of March 4 Agenda

Manfred Hagen made a motion to approve agenda. Seconded by George Grant. Carried.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Manfred Hagen made a motion to approve January 26 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Bert Massiah. Carried.


Correspondence file folder was circulated.

Old Business

Canada Revenue Agency reports that our application for Charitable Status has been lost or misplaced. As we are missing one Board Officer, it was decided to wait until our Annhal General Meeting in May, when we have a full slate of officers to resubmit the very lengthy application form.

President's Report: Lorna Gibbs

I have to report that I have been doing what everyone has been doing. Waving flags, cheering, screaming Go Canada Go! Wiping tears away… And, more than anything feeling grateful — so grateful I have been blessed, and I am a Canadian Citizen! You too? And now we have the Paralympics. I am looking forward to these Games as well and hope to get tickets to Opening and Closing Ceremonies and Hockey! Prices are halved for groups of 20. if anyone else is interested, please call me.

A busload of happy seniors from Champlain Heights, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH) and Kensington went out to Sasamat Lodge for a lovely afternoon in February. It was wonderful to leave the city behind for a few hours — almost a mini summer holiday. Pictures from that trip were circulated.

"Friday Afternoon at the Movies" in February, featuring Julie and Julia, was well attended: 35-40 people. Thanks to Const. Brown and the Community Policing Centre, Joan and volunteers from SVNH, and of course, Brian Swartz and Champlain Heights for the space and draping the room for the screening. Lots of work ia involved with these movies, and I appreciate the help you provided. Tom Chin passed the donations bucket and a total of $115 was collected which the Federal Government matched. So, our little bit would have helped four families with basic shelter and kit.

Attended Fraserview Park Open House with George Grant and Joan Wright. The plans include exercise equipment suitable for older adults too. Congratulations to Planners.

Nothing further has been done regarding the seniors’ centre as everyone in Government has been engaged with the Olympics.

Met Hon Kash Heed’s new Constituency Assistant, Loussine Kadian who replaced Keith Frew.

Treasurer's Report

Not available.

Fundraising & Advertising

Joan reported that she had looked at a website, "Kickstarter," which is a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors and explorers. They are focused on creative projects and have a pretty broad definition of creativity: art, music, design (fashion, product, game app, etc), film/video, food, journalism, and other projects that spring from the imagination. However, they are not funding any Canadian projects unless you have a U.S. address and bank account. We will continue to investigate grants.

Jazmin mentioned that she knew of a consulting group headed by (Harvey?) R.B. McKinnon who fundraises for non-profits once a year. She believes they are based in Vancouver and will check for the next funding period. Lorna would like to meet with them. Jazmin will send the link to Lorna.

New Horizons Grant

SVSACS has received a New Horizons Grant to produce a book of memories and recipes remembered from earlier times and other places. We intend to present a series of entertaining lunches hosted by specific ethnic groups. The project has been discussed with a number of seniors from the South Asian, Chinese, Italian and Spanish communities who are very enthusiastic about the idea. There will be four hosts to organize each group’s event. They will be given a budget to produce an ethnic meal and invite participants from different groups to attend. There will be allowance made for decorations and honoraria for entertainers. Stories will be recorded about hosts' country of origin. Pictures will be taken of the hosts and guests and foods. Plans are to identify, invite, and provide transportation for seniors who may be lonely and isolated. The photographs, stories and recipes will be assembled, and a book printed. We anticipate the meals will be held at Champlain Heights Community Centre and South Vancouver Neighbourhood House. Jazmin Miranda has offered to assist with the project.

The budget and methodology for this project requires revision as SVSACS cannot entertain capital acquisitions of equipment as we have no common space to house equipment where it could be held in common and available for use by all Committee Members.

Motion made by Bert Massiah to proceed with project if New Horizon funders are agreeable to the revisions and having the book outsourced for layout and publishing. Seconded by Manfred Hagen. Passed unanimously.

Annual Community Meeting VFK CityPlan

George Grant reported that the Annual Community Meeting for Victoria-Frasrview-Killarney CityPlan Committee will highlight community safety. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., at Killarney Community Centre, Room 203.

There have been many acts of vandalism to each of the community centres' and neighbourhood houses' buses and vans, as well as other acts of violence. Invitations have been extended to Hon. Ujjal Dosanjh, Hon. Kash Heed, and Constable Heather Brown from Collingwood Community Policing Centre to be speak to the topic.

George has asked for help with set-up and take-down, signing in, and making tea and coffee. A group of four to five would be of help. Jazmin offered to be there to help out. Lorna reported that Keith Jacobsen would help. George received $400 to assist with advertising and refreshments. He has a mock-up of an ad 3 x 3 1/2 inches to go into the East End Courier, and has enough money to place two ads. The Courier's deadline is March 26 for the April 9 edition. He would like to print flyers and questionnaires, and needs help with the flyers. The questionnaire would ask: "What issues concern you?" and he offers a number of suggestions.

Next "Friday Afternoon at the Movies" will be Young Victoria on March 26, 1:30 p.m., at Champlain Heights Community Centre Upstairs Lounge. The movies are provided and supported with technical help by Collingwood Community Policing Centre. Posters have been sent to Seniors' workers at all the community centres and SVNH. Brian Swartz has posted it in Champlain Mall. Chile has had a catastrophic earthquake and needs help. We'll pass the hat for them at this movie.

Summer Events

Due to cutbacks and general economic restraints, most support for community citizen’s groups has been discontinued or severely cut. As a result, we are forced to limit our participation to events where shelter, tables and chairs can be provided for our volunteers. Please advise Lorna (604-325-0163) if you are available to help out with: Annual CityPlan Meeting on April 11, 1 to 4 p.m.; and Earth Day, April 24, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tom Chin be in touch by phone to confirm. There are also the following events planned, however we have not yet committed to participation in these events.

South Hill Festival – May 24
Champlain Summer Fair – June 5
Killarney Summer Fair – July
Avalon Heritage Days – August

Next Meeting

Next SVSACS Meeting will be our Annual General Meeting in May. Date to be announced. We plan to have the AGM as an evening meeting at Champlain Heights Community Centre.


Last modified: September 17, 2010
Created: September 16, 2010