Southeast Vancouver Seniors' Arts and Cultural Society

Mar. 2011
Feb. 2011
Jan. 2011
2010 Minutes
2009 Minutes

37th SVSACS Members Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Call to Order

The 37th regular monthly meeting of the Southeast Vancouver Seniors Arts & Cultural Society (SVSACS) was called to order at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2011, at Champlain Heights Community Centre.


The following members were present:

Tom Chin, Bert Massiah (CCS), Lorna Gibbs (Chair), Joan Wright (SVNH), George Grant (VFK), George Anderson, Donna Davies, Margaret Vasicek (CHCC), Des Burke, Tim Williamson, Margaret Homonnay (CHCC), Philip Mah, Manfred Hagen (CHCC), Aman Dhillan of Huamali & Associates, Arleen Cave, Keith Jacobson (KCC), Yokie Chu, Marianne Bowyer-Smyth, Dorothy Davidson, Barbara Warner, Pat Deibert, Leah Dalton, Wai Young, Louissine Kadian, Lan Nguyen, Ray Jang, Gil Lee, Larry Lum
Regrets: Gail McKay (SVPC), Charito Gailling (VCH), Jukka Vuorma (SCC), Kamlesh Sethi, Florence Fung, Const. Heather Brown (CPC), Mohinder Sidhu, Louise Seto (SVC), Chris Podlecki (KCC), Amarjeet Gill, Linda Hagen, John Pawluk, Helen Pawluk, Jagit Kaur Mann, Harjinder Hothi, Mabel Leung, Rajinder Pendakur, Jean Gilbert, Joyce Long, Victoria Carrasco, Jody Gunderson (CHCC), Jean MacPherson, Mike Gong, Jim Lin, Abdul Shaikh (CHCC), Wendy Enslander

Motion to Approve Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda was made by Manfred Hagen. Seconded by George Grant. Carried.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve January 20 Meeting Minutes was made by Des Burke. Seconded by Manfred Hagan. Carried.

Guest Speakers

Lorna introduced Glory Ewen, Notary Public, who spoke on Wills, Power of Attorney and Living Wills. Glory distributed a Personal Estate Guide she has prepared for her clients (copy attached). Please note documents of this type should be kept in a safety deposit box or other secure location to safeguard personal information from identity theft.

Glory emphasized the following: Everyone with assets should have a will. Wills must be carefully prepared to avoid ambiguity. Wills must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, who cannot be beneficiaries or spouses of beneficiaries.

Wills should be professionally prepared, registered, and reviewed regularly, at a minimum of once every five years or as circumstances dictate. Writing on the original will after signing may invalidate it. Wills should be kept in a secure place.

If a person dies without leaving a will, and has assets, distribution will follow the rules set out by government. If no living relative can be found, then assets will go to the government.

Executors should be aware of the last wishes of the person making the will and should know where the will is stored. As wills may not be read until some time after death, instructions dealing with burial, etc. should be in a separate document easily accessible to the executor.

The executor has many responsibilities and should not make distributions until all necessary clearances have been obtained from government agencies.

Property held jointly by married couples automatically transfers to the survivor. Estates under $25,000 need not be probated. Probate costs are about $200 at the time of filing with a further assessment of 1.4 per cent of the estate value.

Some items, such as insurance policies, RRSPs and TFSPs that have named beneficiaries do not form part of the estate. If, however, there is no named beneficiary they will accrue to the estate.

A Power of Attorney is a powerful document and should be very carefully considered before being prepared. The maker must have absolute trust in the person appointed to act on their behalf.

"Living Wills" are little more than instructions and have very little legal enforcement.

President's Report: Lorna Gibbs

Lorna reported on the continuing effort to secure funding for a seniors centre at Killarney Community Centre. A delegation attended the February 1, 2011 City Council meeting. Transport was arranged by Keith and 23 people took advantage of the Killarney Community Centre bus. Eight people spoke to Council. Clr. Louie has found $2.5 million that has been earmarked in the 2011 Capital Plan for our centre. These funds are conditional on federal and provincial government contributions. Lorna urged all to write their MPs and MLAs to solicit the funds to complete the project. She emphasized contacting Liberal and NDP leadership candidates to seek their commitment. Our MP, The Hon. Ujjal Dosanjh rose in the House of Commons and spoke of the need for a seniors centre in Southeast Vancouver.

The Mixing Bowl project is well underway and Lorna expects to have a date for the book launch soon. Lorna will need help with the launch and asks for volunteers to assist in the launch. Please contact Lorna by e-mail, at

On February 11, Lorna and George visited the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre (VAFCS) and met the new director, Sherry Small. Members from VAFCS have been invited to the Earth Day celebrations at Everett Crowley Park April 30, 2011. Lorna has asked an Elder from their group to bless the event.

Treasurer's Report

Aman Dhillan of Huamali & Associates reported that SVSACS financial information is up to date and necessary federal tax forms will be filed shortly to bring our society into compliance so that we may seek charitable status.

Transportation Report

Tim Williamson spoke of his continued investigation of the public transportation needs of seniors. He reported on a letter he sent to MLAs, MPs, Translink, Coast Mountain Bus and Mayor and Council. SVSACS wants Translink to allow a person accompanying a senior to ride free of charge. Replies are non-committal and the need to keep pressure on elected officials and those in positions of influence are essential if current policies are to be changed. Tim was authorized to engage the media as necessary to achieve our objective.

Upcoming Events

  • Free Feature Movie: Victoria-Fraserview-Killarney CityPlan Committee: Next meeting, February 24, 2011, 7:30 p.m., Killarney Community Centre, Room 202.
  • Free Feature Movie: Friday, February 25, 2011, Hachiko: A dog's Story at Champlain Heights Community Centre, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. (Tea and talk at 1 p.m.)

New Business

No new business.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be held on March 17, 2011, 10:30 a.m. at Champlain Heights Community Centre. Guest speaker: Aman Dhillan of Huamali &amkp; Associates will talk about income tax.


The meeting adjourned at noon.

Joan Wright, Recorder

Lorna Gibbs, Chair

Last modified: May 12, 2011
Created: March 29, 2011